Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


    Have you ever had regrets? What would've happened had you never given up that sport? Went on the date with the person at the coffee shop? What would've happened had you lived differently?
    These are the types of questions constantly buzzing around Nora's mind, and Matt Haig offers his answer to these questions.

    Nora is a 35 year old woman who's life is in shambles. Everything in her life has fallen apart, from her family life to her work life, and she has no idea what to do. She believes she is all out of options and has decided she is better off dying. After committing this grave act, she finds herself in a library. A library hidden in the space between life and death. It is here where the librarian offers her a choice. Every book has a different story of Nora's life, and she is free to choose any book to experience. Even the smallest decision has its own book. This begins Nora's long journey of self exploration, growth, and healing as she jumps from book to book experiencing many different versions of herself.

    The narrative is 288pages and told in 3rd person, following Nora and her thoughts. It touches on themes of grief, family trauma, identity, depression, and regret among many others, as these topics can silently weigh down on our lives without us even noticing. It consistently challenges us to shift perspective and cultivate resilience so we may realize we are much stronger than we can even imagine. Every moment is an opportunity to take an action true to ourselves, and every action we take has impact. There are an infinite amount of ways our lives can unfold at any given moment, and the only way to learn what those are is to live. This book will drive that lesson home until you realize it's been a house rule your whole life. 

Please feel free the check it out and share your thoughts. It's certainly one I'm adding to my shelf of favorites!

- Leo H

Monday, October 7, 2024

Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth


The camptastic exterior of Motherthing I find both attractive and suspect: 

The collage of green-hued horror, the shadowy hand, but most of all the jellied salmon. 

The title transforming "mothering" to the more monstrous Mother/Thing. 

The subject: a couple haunted (in very different ways) by a mother/in law and the promise of a unique recipe for chicken a la king.

How can a book live up to this?

The book begins in an emergency room, where Abby and her husband wait for an update on his mother, who has just cut her wrists in their basement (not conveniently in a bathtub, Abby thinks later). Abby and Ralph are coping by joking about a hot tub of diarrhea, specifically baby diarrhea. It's a lot, and you will either appreciate the dark, sometimes gross sense of humor or you won't. 

The story kept me guessing. What would the balance be between horror and comedy? Humor turns out to be Abby's coping mechanism, one that grows in mania throughout the course of the novel, climaxing in an outrageous work lunch-room interaction. 

I won't say more about the book, other than that I really enjoyed it and the ending surprised me. 

- Michael G. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Long Island by Colm Tóibín

There is much duplicity in this captivating novel! It seems as if every main - and most of the minor - characters are deceiving someone close to them. This is not consciously manipulative behavior; these are generally well meaning people. 

Colm Toibin's brand new novel - Long Island - is a sequel to his 2009 novel Brooklyn, which was subsequently made into a movie. In this story that takes place in the 1970s, two fishbowl worlds and two cultures are depicted - one in an Irish village, the other a subdivision on Long Island, NY.

Eilis Lacey Fiorello, who in the original novel emigrated to New York City in the 1950s and married into a close, extended Italian family inhabits both of these entrapping worlds. It is her experience around which the larger story develops. A quiet and mostly responsible woman, she has a way of unleashing disruption within her two families, with little insight on the attendant emotional pain she tends to generate.

Tóibín's depiction of the lives in this story brings to mind novels of Edith Wharton in his focus on the dynamic nuances of private, unspoken thoughts that flit between and among people. Characters always seem to be second guessing each other and themselves. There is context to outline the story, while the pace of the novel often slows down. The reader may spend several pages examining the thoughts and suppositions of a character while only a couple of days - or even just a few hours - have passed, and it's riveting. That is one of the gifts of this writer. 

All the drama happens at the beginning and the end of the story, leaving an ending I found satisfying even for its ostensible inconclusiveness. You come to see that all the interpersonal manipulation and deceit of this story is, collectively, people's responses to living in a world where everyone knows too much about each other and there is sometimes too little room to breathe or be true to the self. For these deeper themes I found it compelling reading.  

Reviewed by Marianne W

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr

It's 1929. Baxter is a pullman porter saving money to go to dental school. Tired and overworked, he does yet another typical train route. Typical until the train gets stranded in the mountains. While this train is stranded, Baxter must continue working, and while one works, one cannot sleep.

A piece of historical fiction told in a third person narrative, we follow the perspective of Baxter. We follow him as the racist microaggressions, overt disrespect, and the fear of being caught with a homoerotic postcard weigh on his mind. One slip and he's fired. And this is all while the sleep deprivation worsens. With all the complaints, secrets, and fears weaving in and out his ears, it's no wonder that the hallucinations begin...

The story does a wonderful job showing the intersectionality of his Black and queer identities during a time period in which both are still faced with prejudice and dehumanization. This is all done through the experiences of being a pullman porter. 

I recommend this book to anyone who likes a bit of historical fiction. Mayr frequently references real life events and customs from the time, and there are a few pictures and diagrams (there's even a works cited page in the back). The narrative voice can be blunt, almost robotic at times, but this is rather a reflection of Baxter's scientific mind. 

Please check out this book if you are interested! I'd be happy to hear your thoughts. Up for days, hungry, and hallucinating: how do you think you would react if a passenger still had the audacity to call you "George"?

- Leo H

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Katie by Michael McDowell


Prospects aren't exactly cheery for Philo Drax, the daughter of a small-town seamstress in 1871, until a letter arrives from her estranged grandfather. His farm and well-being are being (mis)managed by the villainous Slapes, and he fears for his life. 

Hoping for reconciliation (and potentially an inheritance), she disguises herself as a housemaid and rushes off to rescue her grandfather. But alas, the Slapes have already sunk their grimy claws in too deep and Philo is unable to save him from a horrible death. The Slapes leave with his money and a newfound enemy in Philo.  

Philo's story is an absorbing melodrama but Michael McDowell (who wrote the screenplay for Beetlejuice as well as several novels -- including the incredible Blackwater saga) balances the weight of her story with his depiction of the Slapes. They are stupid, brutal, and scary, none more so than the titular Katie, a psycho psychic with a flair for blunt force trauma. But there is also something undeniably funny in the way he writes their dialogue (truncated and simple, like their minds) and I could not resist being charmed by their simple pleasures (though murderous thieves, they don't splurge on anything but theater).  

Katie shares a bloodline with Victorian penny dreadfuls. This is evidenced by its bloody, sensational plot and evocative historical setting. I particularly enjoyed the depiction of a boarding house that reminded me of the 1937 film Stage Door. It's a setting that is quippy and fun but also sobering in its depiction of what it is like to be a single young woman in New York City in the late 19th century. 

There's also a Pride and Prejudice sort of romance, rather swoony, and one of the saddest murder scenes I've ever read. What I'm trying to say is Katie has just about everything I could want in my entertainment: drama, suspense, romance, gore, humor. Check it out! 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Blessings by Chukwuebuka Ibeh

Family, friendship, love, and secrets… Ibeh brings us a story deeply unwrapping what it means to love, even when everything around you tells you that the love you feel is wrong.

The story revolves around Obiefuna and his journey of self discovery as he grows from a child into a young adult. His life is not without its obstacles, as he discovers quickly he is gay and that his mannerisms are seen as weak and feminine. In Nigeria, these qualities are frowned upon, the roots of their hate deeply ingrained in homophobia. Obiefuna does what any of us would do to survive: he hides these parts of himself.

But one can only hide for so long. His father eventually sends him to a (very rough) boarding school, and it is there where we see many of the books’ events take place. We see Obiefuna’s destruction and evolution, his death and rebirth. There is nothing else to do but adapt when you are thrown to the wolves.

While the story is primarily about Obiefuna, through alternating chapters, we also follow the perspective of his mother, Uzoamaka. We see her deepest inner thoughts as she watches her son change. It is through her that we start to see a different type of love, one that transcends what Obiefuna has always thought he understood. 

Told in third person perspective, the book has an elegantly straightforward voice with a serious tone that still allows for laughs and smiles. It draws us into an attachment for the flawed Obiefuna as his understanding of love is consistently challenged. If you’re anything like me, it’ll also pull out some tears.

It's probably my favorite one so far out of the books I read in 2024, so please check out this book. It's a very beautiful example of how sometimes, the very places that challenge us the most can be the very same places that show us the truest possibilities of what love can be.

- Leo H

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Time Before Time by Declan Shalvey and Rory McConville

Tatsuo works for the time traveling smuggling business  known as The Syndicate. He and Nadia, an FBI agent, are now on the run from the The Syndicate after stealing one of their time machines. Thus begins the graphic novel series Time Before Time (you can read the first issue here). 

At first glance it looks like just another time travel book, but a couple of things set it apart:

In the usual time-travel thriller you will see one company or group in charge of all time travel but here they incorporate many different moving parts that make it feel real. In addition to the smuggling Syndicate there is the robot-fearing Arcola Institute and the hypocritical company the Union.  

In most time travel, even with all the tech, they still annoyingly stay in the general same time period. In Time Before Time, they actually use this ability for more than just escaping from people or chasing them, and, even better, they aren't safe even when they do escape one spot because other people have time travel, too, and the writers emphasize that.

The art is stylized, yet still gritty. Character drawings are lanky and action-oriented. They are wildly different from almost every other comic or graphic novel out there.

This, with all the other reasons (which I will not get into detail about due to them being spoilers), make Time Before Time a must-read for all sci-fi fans out there.

- Guest Review by Juvenile Patron Seth B.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nightblood by T. Chris Martindale


If you're in the mood for an action-packed vampire story that is darkly funny, wildly violent, at points crude, and non-stop fun, have I got a recommendation for you!

Chris Stiles is (cue gravelly voiceover) "a Vietnam veteran they couldn't kill" whose dead brother's ghost leads him to a small Indiana town to hunt down some unknown evil. 

Bart and Del are stepbrothers dared to spend the night at the old Danner house, abandoned for almost a century after rumors of a gruesome double homicide. 

They don't find any ghosts, though. They find a walled up vampire! And he's thirsty! And EVIL.  

The book pretty much explodes from there, Stiles unloading bullets from his impressive arsenal and the boys wielding nunchaku and Molotov cocktails while they gather a militia of townsfolk. Martindale writes with gusto and glee and his descriptions are cinematic. See here this vision:

"There was a demon in the road. It stood backlit by hellspawned flame, its wings folding and unfolding restlessly, its impossibly long arms drooped at its sides and reaching all the way to the ankles." The light shifts, and it is revealed to be Chris with billowing overcoat tails and two shotguns. Look out vampires! 

Speaking of which, this is not the book to read if you want sensitive, moody vampires struggling with the ethical dilemma of blood-sucking. These are monsters of insatiable hunger and that's it. Once your friend, girlfriend, or neighbor is turned, the only thing they need is to be staked, beheaded, shot up with silver, or burned. Or all of the above. Often, all of the above. 

I wasn't sure how I'd like Nightblood, to be honest. It's very macho. But it's also a complete blast and well-written and I loved it. I'm thrilled that indie publisher Valancourt Books is re-publishing horror gems from the 70s-90s with their Paperbacks from Hell line and I'm excited to add a few to the library's collection. 

-Michael G.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Change by Edouard Louis

"What I'm writing shouldn't be seen as a story of the birth of a writer but as the birth of freedom, of being uprooted at all costs from a hated past." - Edouard Louis

Though it began with a sordid scene I would have preferred not to witness - which the author returns to later in the book with more context - this autobiographical novel quickly became engaging reading. It is about an extreme makeover - not as much in the physical sense - though there is a little bit of that - as in transforming the author's entire persona through enormous, unrelenting effort as he grows into young adulthood. 

This is not a story of someone maturing by way of the usual developmental milestones of life. Edouard Louis (the character shares the name of the author) spent his early years in an impoverished, intellectually empty, emotionally abusive, alcohol-soaked environment in a rural French village steeped in xenophobia and homophobia, the latter of which was a daily source of cruelty to him. He didn't learn even the most basic table manners, and sometimes had to beg for food for the family and to ask officials at his public school to reduce incidental fees because his parents were too embarrassed to do these things when they couldn't pay for things. The homophobic hostility he experienced from family, schoolmates and strangers, while deeply cutting, was also what propelled him to a better life. He becomes the only person in his family to be educated beyond primary school.

In his early twenties, Edouard found that the more educated he became, the more he realized he didn't know - and yearned to know. He couldn't overcome a sense that he had to continually do more to catch up to what others knew. So he read constantly - all the great writers and all the books recommended by friends - finishing a new book about every other day. 

He is tested by the world again and again, sometimes in ways that leave him feeling humiliated. Those sometimes humbling tests and their accompanying setbacks made him increasingly determined to elevate his life and in doing so, to once and for all sever himself from the hostile, oppressive home town milieu that he often feared would reclaim him and drag him back down. How he finally resolved this dilemma for himself comes at the end of the book.

I found it fascinating to accompany Edouard Louis and witness his phenomenal transformation from poorly educated, uncultured working class boy to Paris sophisticate mingling with royalty at that city's most exclusive dinner parties, and ultimately to globally recognized author whose work has been translated into several languages. He succeeded due to dogged determination to continually educate and refine himself, and he did so in a remarkably short time. All the while his parents rejected him and the direction his life was taking him. 

What resonated most with me and kept me reading was Edouard's forthright manner both in writing his story and in his interactions with everyone he met during his ascendancy. He has a knack for attracting people and forging friendships with sympathetic, caring, accomplished and wealthy people who help mentor him along the way and want him to succeed. There is some sexual exploitation in a few of these relationships but in most of them there is encouragement, generosity and solid friendship. This is undoubtedly due to Edouard's openness about his embarrassing upbringing without any self pity or intent to manipulate others. He's a likeable human being whose transparency in relationships helps propel him forward while he works like hell to achieve a life makeover.       

This is one extreme makeover, and  it was very satisfying to see this man overcome such a dead-end, mean start in life. For this gay writer, it truly did get better. His book tells how he made that happen. 

Reviewed by Marianne W

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Husbands by Holly Gramazio

Lauren has an interesting problem.

After coming home to her London flat from her best friend's bachelorette party, still a little drunk, she discovers that she has a husband. Except he definitely wasn't there when she left for the evening, and she definitely doesn't remember marrying him, despite what the wedding photos on her mantel and saved in her phone might suggest. Then, just as suddenly, this husband goes up into the attic to change a lightbulb, and a new husband appears on his way back down.

And so begins one of the strangest years of Lauren's life.

Equipped with a seemingly magic attic and a never ending supply of husbands, Lauren cycles through different versions of herself, based on the husband that emerges from her attic. Sometimes they barely have time to settle in before she sends them back up to try another. Sometimes she sticks with them for a little, trying them on to see if they fit (if you're getting dating app vibes from this, you're not wrong). Each new husband resets her life - oftentimes, it's cosmetic, like different paint colors and decorations in her flat, but sometimes it results in more seismic changes, like her sister suddenly single with no children, or a different job that she has no idea how to do. While her life resets with each new husband, time continues to move forward and Lauren begins to wrestle with some hard questions. Chief among them is this - how do you know you're making the right decision when the possibility of something better is just a short trip into the attic away?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The author, Holly Gramazio, is a game designer, and I think her skills in writing games lent themselves well in how this story plays out (pun absolutely intended). Like a game, we're dropped into the action right away, as we meet Lauren just minutes before she meets her first husband. As the story continues, more information is teased out. Sometimes it's small things, like Lauren figuring out that switching husbands wipes out any bad decision-making (which she absolutely takes advantage of), and sometimes it's big things, like when she figures out that her attic isn't just creating husbands. One of things that struck me about this story has to do with the fact that Lauren always gains a husband, and never just a long-term relationship, or fiancé (though once, the husband is someone she is about to divorce). There's something interesting about the idea of skipping out on all of those early relationship struggles, but now having to suddenly deal with the struggles of being married, and Lauren realizes that too, to a certain extent. In true magical realism form, not everything is explained - the magic attic just is, and there isn't an explanation as to why this is happening to Lauren. That didn't bother me, but I know that could be a turnoff for others. Lauren also has to sometimes go to extremes to get the husband back into the attic, and some of the decisions she makes in those moments will either be funny or shocking, depending on how you feel. I did find Lauren to be relatable and sympathetic, but we also don't get a full sense of who she is outside of this particular moment in time. Ultimately, I thought this was a fun read, and it has stuck with me since I finished it a few weeks ago, so I highly recommend it!

- Amy R.

P.S. Holly Gramazio designed her very own husbands generator and published it online, in case anyone wants their own taste of the magic attic: I think I'll stick with this one for awhile:

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Icarus by Kayla Ancrum

“Love, care, and tenderness. They are our birthright. They are not 'too little'; they are what matters most. When instinct tells you to pay attention and choose tenderness, do it.”

- Kayla Ancrum

This is a story of friendship, vulnerability, and being willing to put yourself on the line to chase after what your heart truly desires. Sometimes we find ourselves caught in a cycle of being isolated, overwhelmed, wearing ourselves thin, and we don't realize how truly awful it is until we are seen by others and experience their love. As we follow Icarus through his journey, these lessons become more and more apparent. 

Icarus is an art thief, breaking into the home of Mr. Black to steal priceless artwork and replace them with the forgeries his father makes. Forced into this life from a young age, he has intentionally walled himself off from both meaningful connection and the spotlight. Things change during a break-in when he is discovered by someone, and this moment breaks a crack in the walls Icarus tries so hard to uphold. Just like a crack does, it spreads until Icarus finds himself face-to-face with light he didn't know felt so good.

I deeply recommend this book. Please give it a read and let your heart strings be tugged, just like mine were. And if you find yourself wanting to chase after a light, don't be afraid to fly. For even if your wings melt, there will always be people to catch your fall.

- Leo H.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Every year, as our Summer Reading Challenge gets closer and closer, I find myself increasingly stressed and therefore less likely to read. But once the challenge starts, the stress eases, and I find myself reaching for the fluffiest of books as a little treat (though, to be honest, I find myself reading fluffy books all the time, and there's literally nothing wrong with that). Enter The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood.

Olive Smith is a Ph.D. candidate in biology, studying at Stanford. After a few tepid dates with fellow grad student Jeremy (and after seeing how well he hit it off with her best friend, Anh), Olive breaks things off, and lies to Anh about dating someone new, just so Anh will take a chance with Jeremy. So when Olive spots Anh at the lab late one night when she is supposedly on a date, Olive does the only logical thing - she kisses the first guy she sees. Except she realizes that she kissed Dr. Adam Carlsen, who is not only a professor, but also a well-regarded scientist and researcher, and the reason why half of her fellow grad students either have nightmares or drop out before graduation. When Olive apologizes and explains the whole lying-about-dating thing to Dr. Carlsen, he shocks her by suggesting that they keep the ruse going. As time progresses, Olive begins to realize that Adam isn't as horrendous as he seems. Even worse, she catches feelings, feelings that threaten to explode the more they get to know each other...

This one hits some of my favorite romance novel tropes, like fake dating and forced proximity, with a secret softie of a male main character who would do literally anything if it meant Olive would be happy, though she obviously doesn't realize it right away. Even though I pretty much knew how the story would end, I was more than happy to go along for the ride. I wouldn't have minded a little more spice, but the amount we got was fitting to the story. It does have a third-act breakup, which is becoming one of my least favorite romance novel tropes, but I can forgive it since I loved everything else. There is a good reason why Ali Hazelwood's books have become instant bestsellers, and I look forward to reading more by her!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hemingway's Widow: The Life and Legacy of Mary Welsh Hemingway