Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Pritty by Keith F. Miller Jr.

Keith F Miller Jr. brings us a story of two boys finding love and safe haven with one another as they get caught in the crossfire of the drama within their communities and families. As they journey through teen angst, confusion, and trauma, they not only come to find each other, but a deeper understanding of themselves and what they are capable of.

The story follows Jay and Leroy, two teenage black boys who live on opposing sides of town, a town that is heavily affected by gang life. The gangs currently exist in harmony thanks to the efforts of the Black Diamonds, an underground organization created to protect the people within the town. However, when a mysterious enemy threatens the peace, the two families become intricately connected with the violence, dragging Jay and Leroy in along with them. 

Throughout the book, the narration splits perspectives between the two boys. Jay’s perspective is written in more of a standard narrative style, while Leroy’s uses much more African American vernacular. The book is filled with beautiful references to black culture and community, and shows how amazing it can be to grow up at the intersection of blackness and queerness.

Miller uses elegant figurative language to envelop you in the story world and put you in the shoes of the boys, with the story reading almost like poetry. As we experience each moment with them, the style tugs at our heart strings until we’re almost brought to tears; and the climax itself is just as satisfying, as you see the culmination of both boys’ efforts to heal and unite. The story ends implying there is a second book, so if you like this one, there’s likely to be a sequel coming soon.

If you’re looking for a dramatic, yet heartfelt story involving queer black teens, this is the book for you. Please feel free to check it out, and if you read it, I’m always happy to hear what you have to say!

- Leo H.

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